Welcome Note Wedding Wedding Weekend Bags For Out Of Town Guests?

Wedding weekend bags for out of town guests? - welcome note wedding

For each of our guests, I intend to get a bag filled with the following to:
Bottled water
Potato snack (potato chips, granola bars, etc.)
Homemade cookies
Personalized cards
Vegas-themed wedding TIC TAC
Travel Aspirin
Sunscreen Travel
Cards and Vouchers

Is there anything else I should know? Is it appropriate? I'm on a budget. The wedding is in Las Vegas.
In addition to the Hi, I thought, get a postcard, and write on the back, because that seems to be someone who sends postcards today, really - a little more than memories. Or I should be a postcard and write a welcome message separately?


red elephants said...

I think it sounds good in the state. Unlike other posters, I think it is doing something more people if they people from outside the city. to be not too expensive, but really shows you care about your friends and family, an attempt to have made. when we attended the wedding of a cousin of last year, airline tickets, car rentals and hotel for 3 days more than $ 1,000 for our family of 3 come after a trip over the day is very pleasant to be greeted with a basket of marriage (which means that many of their products as homemade pastries, maps, attractions, Gatorade, etc..), the food, drink, before all things. It does not cost an arm and a leg, but really has a great impression.

Who has his greeting and that the schedule includes wedding (rehearsal dinner, wedding, etc..) Doing a quick hello on the postcard would be nice, but the number of guests from other cities could Handwriting stressful for everyone.

luckygir... said...

It's a good idea, but I personally think it's a waste of money. You should not spend your money on the marriage pampers its guests. Most of the results represent the most points on your list anyway. If you do not have a budget, I'd say go for it, but otherwise it instead of spending on food or alcohol. Rates of marriage adds, without any unnecessary elements.

Cindy said...

I think you have more than enough. And I agree. I do not think that it is a waste of money. It's a nice touch to have all the miles so many years.
The only thing that we in our bottled water, biscuits, crisp bags, sweet little Tylenol, addresses, and a love letter.

lisani said...

sounds good, hey, congratulations on the way!
Twylla has a large number though!

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