Bluetooth Headset With Caller Id How Do I Make A Call From My Laptop Through My Bluetooth Phone?!?

How do I make a call from my laptop through my bluetooth phone?!? - bluetooth headset with caller id

I have a laptop that has built in Bluetooth. I also have a compatible Bluetooth phone. I wondered whether I, the Bluetooth connection between the two, could use to call on my cell phone.

I like to portable speakers (or headphones) and a microphone to speak. Basically, I want to use the laptop as a Bluetooth headset.

or it can be further advanced caller ID via Bluetooth on my laptop.

My current phone is Windows Mobile 6
My laptop runs Ubuntu (Linux), but is run virtually any Windows-capable application.

Please let me know! I'm very intelligent when it comes to Windows Mobile, and I'm getting better with Linux (my first computer with Linux, but I have made good progress)

Thanks in advance!


Hi said...

I do not think possible. I'll put your question on my personal list, because although I have.


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