Pc Pentium How Long Would It Take To Rebuild A Pentium PC If Everything Man-made Suddenly Vanished From The Planet?

How long would it take to rebuild a Pentium PC if everything man-made suddenly vanished from the planet? - pc pentium

What lies behind us, intact with all our knowledge and memories, but all the tractors, what we have done - books, computers, telephone poles, paved roads - just disappears. How long would it take before we have the IT infrastructure rather than building new computer processors summit?


maboot24 said...

I wish was 27.2 years, about 40 years. I would say that we are beginning to reinvent the wheel and the manufacture of tools made of stone, and then to begin mining and forging with rudimentary tools and electrical components such as cables and pipes manufacture light bulbs are in turn used as instruments for the development of chemicals are needed to improve natural resources and development of silicon products to advance.

An important thing to happen very shortly after each was doing what has been destroyed ..... pen and paper should be for the people with the knowledge to processors build / hardware and software can transfer their knowledge, they can not survive long enough for the moment that the technology to accomplish our knowledge, since the Cryogenics not now, is the best thing that has not worked, then.

winkicu1... said...

My answer would be: does it really matter if everything is gone

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