Cleaning Pontoons What Is The Best Thing To Clean Aluminum Pontoons With?

What is the best thing to clean aluminum pontoons with? - cleaning pontoons

I have a boat that remains in the water and has an accumulation in the pontoons of algae and dirt. I want the best product use will not damage the pontoons. Thanks


Daniel W said...

I succeeded with CLR

Poppa Squally said...

Yes, that Mike V is correct, the Truckers use of materials based clean acidity and aluminum deglosses whole, gives a matte finish to it, almost like plastic,

After using the cleaner in it for the truck driver, a wax, so you need to clean and brush in hand and if the residue of aluminum provides a dry brand new and shiny.

Good luck

mike v said...

Truck stops selling a cleaner for aluminum semi-final, which makes them look like new. It is with water, spray, let it soak for a while and then mixed in the hose. I have a lot. major cleaning of a truck or a boat, if you want more, you should call in advance to ensure that the vendors also sell it.carwash.

Ed W said...

Aluma Bright.

deanwm2 said...

Baking powder, and a pressure washer

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